Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I got Fanuci in Deep Doo Doo

Just a couple of days ago the Master gave Fanuci his Internet privileges back. You see, Fanuci had a habit of visiting conservative Websites like FreeRepublic, FoxNews, and the Drudge Report and hetero porn sites. Well, thanks to the Internet filters of Kelly Millis, Inez Mitchell and that dead fatass Joannie Saulright, the Master was able to spy on Fanuci. So, he took away his Internet for a month. Well, I thought I would play a trick on that fat fuck, so I brought him into my room and showed him my favorite Website: www.cakefarts.com. Well, I conveniently left the room and then told the Master that Fanuci was watching porn again. I have to admit, I also had to leave the room because I was so aroused. As soon as the Master headed in I went out back watching and pounding away on my shitcock with glee as he punished Fanuci. Fanuci never knew what hit him. The Master saw the vile depradations that Fanuci was watching and berated Fanuci who gave him the lame excuse that I "foiced" him to watch it. The Lib nailed him in the gut then Cut and Run him through the monitor!!! It was hilarious- Fanuci's fat ass kept getting zapped by the malfnuctioning monitor. Just then, Fanuci's sister Toni showed up and we went back to my room and I gave her the brown log while Fanuci lay unconscious at our feet. Right before I finished I made sure to release some Hershey's Syrup all over Fanuci's face and gut.